Sustentabilidade, globalização e urbanização

Sustentabilidade, globalização e urbanização

Sustainability within a World City Network

"Cities and their networks form the greatest of human achievements and are incrementally built up over time, reflecting human progression in which scarcity is continuously challenged by means of societal and technological innovations. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, technological innovation and social reform have been paramount to global economic development, supplying our needs and creating new forms of demand, without which the system would certainly collapse. Shifting scarcity has led to a type of progression that is suspended between the co-evolutionary processes of globalization and urbanization, reflecting the symbiotic development of firms and cities and the networks which connect them. These processes have dramatically altered the relationship of humans and the environment in various ways, such as worldwide spatial exploitation, global integration, and environmental degradation.

Progression has led to an increase in complexity and the unequal distribution of technology, capital and labour - across different economic and political boundaries."
Globalization and World Cities Research Network

Com contributos de importantes pensadores actuais tais como Manuel Castells, Peter Hall ou John Friedman.
Consultar boletins da GaWC aqui.

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