Qual o limite para o crescimento da cidade?

Qual o limite para o crescimento da cidade?

"The world is in the throes of a sweeping population shift from the countryside to the city. Underpinning this transformation are the economies of scale that make concentrated urban centers more productive. This productivity improvement from urbanization has already delivered substantial economic growth and radically reduced poverty in countries such as China. The growth of cities has the potential for further growth and poverty reduction across many emerging markets.

However, we are now seeing cases where the growth rates of some large cities have begun to slow. In addition, the increased complexity of large size can overwhelm the ability to manage. When this happens, cities can become disastrous mixtures of slums and gridlock, raising the question of whether there is a maximum size for a workable city." "Urbanization is an inexorable global force, powered by the potential for enormous economic benefits. We will only realize those benefits, however, if we learn to manage our rapidly growing cities effectively."

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