Bitesize é um sítio da BBC com recursos didáticos para Geografia, desde a Geografia Física até à Geografia Humana.
Places Antarctica, Awesome areas, Extreme environments, Geography of Europe, Contrasts within a continent
- Spaces Rural areas and farming, Settlement in urban areas, Geography of crime
- Interdependence Population and migration, Globalisation and global trade, Development
- Physical processes Glaciation, Plate tectonics, Rivers and flooding, Coasts, Weather and climate
- Human processes Changing shopping patterns, Sustainable futures, Tourism, Geography of sport
- Geographical enquiry Geographical skills
The Geography Blog:
Welcome to Geography
Caros leitores,
novas ideias e projetos vão surgindo com o tempo. Para 2015 a nossa novidade, é o lançamento do Blog de Geografia na língua inglesa. Sei que é um desafio e tanto. O trabalho no Blog de Geografia continua...
Resources For Geography Teachers
Free geography resources: geography lesson plans, ideas, activities, geography teaching ideas and much more.
Teaching Resources - Education National Geographic: Teaching resources, organized according to grade level, by the National Geographic.
Aprender Geografia
Innovative Learning Geography in Europe "Opportunities for developing innovative approaches in teaching and learning geography have been rapidly increasing in recent years. This is in part because of the spread of new technologies that allow access...
Elogio Do Ensino Da Geografia
Without geography, the world would be a mystery to usDavid Lambert The Duke of York might have boasted to an audience of businessmen in Kyrgyzstan that the UK has "the best geography teachers in the world" – but Ofsted isn't so sure. Its latest...
"21st century teacher" é uma brochura que ajuda os professores a enfrentar o desafio de utilizar a tecnologia no quotidiano escolar, fornecendo exemplos de estudos de caso, sugestões práticas e dicas para o professor que se quer manter "na onda"....