City One, um jogo de gestão urbana on-line

City One, um jogo de gestão urbana on-line

O jogo "City One" consiste num jogo de gestão urbana online, lançado pela IBM, no qual somos convidados a resolver problemas do mundo real, quer em termos ambientais, quer logísticos ou mesmo empresariais.

"Think you know what it takes to make the energy systems that serve a city more efficient? Given the opportunity, could you make the city’s water cleaner and more plentiful, its banks more robust and customer-centric and its retail stores more innovative?"

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."


- What Is A City?
Cyberschoolbus  We all talk about cities and many of us live in one, but what exactly is a city? We often think of the city as a "modern" or recent development, but cities have existed for thousands of years and have their roots in the great...

- Lisboa, Uma Cidade Com Futuro
...Porto, a cidade invencível, ... e os epítetos de mais 98 cidades do mundo, aqui. Paris – The City of Love, The City of Light, La Ville-Lumiere Prague- The City of hundred spires, The Golden City, The Mother of Cities New York- The Big Apple Las...

- Qual O Limite Para O Crescimento Da Cidade?
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- Os Mapas Tipográficos Estão Na Moda
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- Crescimento Das Cidades
How big cities can grow? In a world of rising temperatures and sea levels, and of rapidly diminishing non-renewable fuel sources, the idea of such compact cities appears attractive. However this argument is never straightforward and might even be flawed....

