Reflexões sobre a escola
Numa altura em que a divisão da carreira docente volta a estar em cima da mesa e com o processo de avaliação ao rubro, aqui fica a questão em jeito de reflexão do Doug Belshaw....
What if….? Posted: 15 Jan 2009 01:57 PM CST  - Image by clevercupcakes via Flickr
What if instead of everyone being allocated to one main job within a school, there was some kind of rotation system? What do you suppose would happen if teachers had experience in working in the school office? Would teachers have their eyes opened if they were given the opportunity to be learning support assistants for a period of time? What if, more radically, everyone earned the same amount of money within a school and status was denoted by the amount of time spent with students? What if time with students actually meant that you 'earned' more rather than less? What if the traditional top-down hierarchy was bottom-up, with administrative positions explicitly supporting, rather than dictating, teaching? What would happen then? I wonder…  |
Aprender Geografia
Innovative Learning Geography in Europe "Opportunities for developing innovative approaches in teaching and learning geography have been rapidly increasing in recent years. This is in part because of the spread of new technologies that allow access...
Professores E Ensino
This is why teachers leave teaching. On Thursday, Mark Clarkson wrote a blog post that started off like this:I seriously considered leaving education today. And if I had a viable exit strategy I might have taken it further.Note the end of that sentence:...
Na Sala De Aula
Ofsted's new mission - to get rid of boring teachers'Dull' teaching blamed for bad behaviour ...
Antárctida (quase) Em Directo
Anna Barford Here is a website about of teachers in Antartica, it is possible for students to write questions to these teachers if they want to. Here is the website of the volcano that I am living on:
Ambientes Virtuais De Aprendizagem
MUVEs, active learning approaches and motivation: why so? The idea of making EU schools a safe and controlled experiential ‘playground for life’ where pupils acquire the knowledge and skills required to enable them to participate fully in the workplace...