Os mercados financeiros e a crise

Os mercados financeiros e a crise

Cartography of the Financial Markets: Visualizations of an Economic World
View more presentations from Sasi Research Group, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield

- Mortes Por Malária No Mundo
Fonte: Views of The World / SASI Research Group (University of Sheffield) "The term ‘malaria’ comes from the medieval Italian ‘mala aria’ meaning ‘bad air’. The term was coined at a time before the mosquito had been identified as the carrier...

- Riqueza
Fonte: Benjamin Hennig - Research Group (University of Sheffield).Views of The World Um mapa redimensionado de acordo com as previsões de crescimento económico para os próximos 5 anos, relativamente a 2010. Criado de acordo com dados fornecidos pelo...

- Notícias Frescas (e Bem Frescas) Chegadas Da Antárctida Via Email
(Fotos: Anna Barford) Hello! I am really sorry that I cannot write Portuguese, so I hope that English is OK. I am writing to you from Mount Erebus in Antarctica. We are living here in a hut which has a kitchen and dining room. We also have a garage where...

- O Ensino Da Geografia Nos Eua
Making the Case for Geography in our Schools Christina Salas 10 December 2008 In the wake of the recent presidential election, an increased level of interest has surfaced in this country over foreign issues. While domestic economic issues arguably dominated...

- Os Exames De Geografia Noutros Países
GEOGRAPHY EXAMS GO FROM PHYSICAL TO HUMAN "Geography exam papers have seen more changes in the past 10 years than in the previous 100, with the emphasis now very much on the impact of human activity on the world. That’s the finding of research looking...

