Mundo gordo e mundo magro

Mundo gordo e mundo magro

"BILL GATES, in his foundation’s annual letter, declared that “the terms ‘developing countries’ and ‘developed countries’ have outlived their usefulness.” He’s right. If we want to understand the modern global economy, we need a better vocabulary". 
"It’s time that we start describing the world as “fat” or “lean.” (in The New York Times)

- Países Dos Bric Saúdam O Pedido De Entrada Da África Do Sul
RIA Novosti 12/11/2010   BRIC countries hail S.Africa?s request to join The rapidly developing countries of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China)  approve of the idea of South Africa?s admission to the forum, Russian President  Dmitry...

- Encravados Mas Desenvolvidos
                                      Fonte: Visual.Ly           ...

- Tendências Demográficas Na América Latina
 "Increasingly, the debate over plummeting world birth rates is shifting to the developing world. This includes Latin America where on the whole rates are dropping quickly from 5.98 children per woman in 1960 to 2.20 children per woman in 2010. Yet...

- Progressos No Acesso A água Potável
MDG drinking water target being met is cause for celebration"More than 3,000 children die daily from diarrhoeal diseases, and 88% of these deaths are due to poor drinking water, lack of sanitation and poor hygiene. So the news from the World Health Organisation...

- Corrupção E Desenvolvimento São Incompatíveis
Fonte: The Economist "The use of public office for private gain benefits a powerful few while imposing costs on large swathes of society. Transparency International's annual Corruption Perceptions Index, published on December 1st, measures...

