Melhores professores
Building a Better Teacher ON A WINTER DAY five years ago, Doug Lemov realized he had a problem. After a successful career as a teacher, a principal and a charter-school founder, he was working as a consultant, hired by troubled schools eager — desperate, in some cases — for Lemov to tell them what to do to get better. There was no shortage of prescriptions at the time for how to cure the poor performance that plagued so many American schools. (continuar)
Professores E Ensino
This is why teachers leave teaching. On Thursday, Mark Clarkson wrote a blog post that started off like this:I seriously considered leaving education today. And if I had a viable exit strategy I might have taken it further.Note the end of that sentence:...
Metas E Objectivos
"The chances of a high school student eventually becoming first violin for the Boston Philharmonic: one in a million.The chances of a high school student eventually playing basketball in the NBA? About the same.In fact, the chances of someone growing...
Web Geografia 2.0
O sítio dá pelo nome de Web 2.0: Cool Tools For Schools e tem um conjunto de sugestões relativas a outros sítios na Internet que permitem a construção de mapas online. Além de mapas, o Cool Tools For Schools tem também ligações a outros sítios...
Na Sala De Aula
Ofsted's new mission - to get rid of boring teachers'Dull' teaching blamed for bad behaviour ...
Actividades Fora Da Sala De Aula - Relatório Ofsted
Ofsted report: Learning outside the classroom An Ofsted report (02/10/08) reveals that pupils' participation and achievement can benefit significantly from getting involved with activities outside the classroom — but not all schools and colleges...