Cidades mais visitadas no mundo

Cidades mais visitadas no mundo

10 Most Visited Cities of the World from Travel World Passport

- What Is A City?
Cyberschoolbus  We all talk about cities and many of us live in one, but what exactly is a city? We often think of the city as a "modern" or recent development, but cities have existed for thousands of years and have their roots in the great...

- Costumes Bizarros
More Bizzare Local Customs to Discover When You Travel from Travel World Passport ...

- Um Continente Perigoso?
"Some problems travel well. Sometimes too well. Financial crashes have taught us that in some cases what starts as a very local economic problem quickly escalates and becomes a global crisis. Which continents are more prone to infect the rest of the world...

- Cidades Fantasma
Famous ghost towns from Travel World Passport ...

- Crescimento Das Cidades
How big cities can grow? In a world of rising temperatures and sea levels, and of rapidly diminishing non-renewable fuel sources, the idea of such compact cities appears attractive. However this argument is never straightforward and might even be flawed....

